Treating Hyperpigmentation | How to Fade Dark Spots


Hi everyone, skincare blog here. Thank you so much for joining here today's article is going to be all about super pigmentation has definitely been an issue for me.

I feel like it's important to identify the different types of pigmentation that we get on our skin so that we can understand better how we treat them many of you commented in my last ar that you realize you actually have post-inflammatory erythema gierather than post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation PIH which is a realization I have to I feel like a lot of cosmetic brands lets you up everything in the pigmentation or brightening category so regardless of whether you have P IE or PIH or melasma or sun spots you will buy their product in my last article I talked about vitamin c serum which is more about the redness that is left hind after you have acne or even like a bedbug bite.

It comes from inflammation and irritation on your skin and it's more of a vascular issues then excess melanin production hence the redness rather than the brownness so treating that is different because it's about lessening the irritation and inflammation, where as what we're going to talk about today.

hyperpigmentation is all about melanin production and inhibiting that now for a lot of you particularly if you do have a darker skin tone you already have more melanin your skin then acne marks do tend to be hyperpigmentation and for anyone those red marks can turn into post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation particularly if you're not properly protecting your skin from the sunlight so pretty much is any type of traveler information to your skin whether its acne marks or bug bites or rashes even your skin will respond by producing more melanin in that area to protect it growing up our parents are always telling us not to scratch not to pick and never giving us good enough reasons why and I feel now that our vanity is involved.

We are properly incentivized so the good thing about post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is it is the easiest form to treat so some spots and age spots are a localized spot some type of on your skin I have one right here a compliment priests on explosion and it appears more as we age affected areas are usually are safe our chest in our hand the areas that are always exposed the lighter ones are obviously, easier to treat them the darker ones so if you already see them.

The appearance you really want to be diligent about covering that area up and protecting it unlike postinflammatory hyperpigmentation some of us actually do require consistent maintenance because you know they come from the Sun they come from age, you can treat them enlighten them significantly but if you're if you neglect it then it will come back so melasma up here as blotchy patches on your face in fact they often have a bit of a matte light appearance usually, it's around the sides of the face, forehead bridge of the nose, and in the mustache area this is usually caused by a combination of some plus surging hormones so a lot of time pregnancy can cause this or you know starting birth control.

This is a harder form of hyperpigmentation to treat it will take longer to fade but the worst part is that it can come back very easily so freckles also want into the hyperpigmentation category my personal opinion if you have freckles keep them they're absolutely charming and I feel like there's such a unique feature to have the removing pebbles is going to be entirely different from anything we're talking about today all the treatments and ingredients we're going to go through will not affect ripple it actually requires lasers to remove these.

So I have a sunspot it's something that's been around for a really long time and actually for the longest time it was quite faint and unnoticeable that I did watch it through the years gradually gets darker and darker and darker at that time nothing available was even remotely effective despite the huge bold claims so I actually went on the Obagi nu-derm system my dermatologist recommended that I tried that out after the first week of doing routine I felt a little bit like a burn victim so I just decided to ditch all the other actives and just use the hydroquinone on its own twice a day and instead of putting it over my whole face like recommended I just used it to spot tree. 

So I would say about four months it really faded the pigmentation it faded if I got 60 to 70% which is the best I could have hoped for. I definitely noticed that after a certain point that continued use of hydroquinone was just not making any more of a difference so I stopped it immediately it's not an ingredient that I want to put on my skin and keep using long term for some it would work way more effectively than for others and I have heard stories about how sometimes it actually turns the pigmentation even a little bit grayish so you want to read out for that I gave the waybill that in this perma big are far more products that are available to us that actually will help treat these issues but do keep in mind that treating hyperpigmentation does take a lot of consistency and patience now if you don't have any patients and you want to get rid of it all much faster then you can explore laser treatments or professional chemical peels depending on what kind of hyperpigmentation issues you have we don't all have access to that kind of treatment, so this article is about finding the products that can really help.


First I'm going to go over the different treatments and ingredients that work really well at reducing and speeding hyperpigmentation I found and then after that I'm going to go over which one's work particularly well for each different type of hyperpigmentation so some screen is a no-brainer do I even really have to mention it I mean when we're talking about the segmentation is all about melanin and the thing that encourages melanin to be produced in our skin is the Sun so you use an SPF of at least 30 broad-spectrum or with a PA rating with the more pluses the better off I drop the APIs are also particularly good at dealing with hyperpigmentation they really help the sundeck by increasing cell turnover in our skin which in the turn will end up saving your dark mom I find a stronger age aids actually have a really noticeable impact on pigmentation issues such as a drunk elephant or the dermaco 30% aha  solution those are once in a week result maps that I really believe have made a difference retinoids are also great at reversing sun damage by encouraging cell turn over but when you are using retinoids.

You need to be super careful to make sure you are wearing sunscreen because it will make your skin that much more sensitive the vitamin C is not only so important for protecting your skin against the Sun, but it's also great at saving sunspots and reversing sun damage as well in your skin but for not to happen you really need to be using a service acid about 20% to use alongside all these other melanin inhibitors or other treatments like a chase or retinol just to ensure that it keeps that pigment at bay so particularly if you have the kind of hyperpigmentation that keeps coming back and reoccurring like in the last month sunspots you want to make sure that your skin is armed as well as possible against the summer.

The next few ingredients are the ones that we know to be the brightening ones they reduce hyperpigmentation by inhibiting an enzyme called tor assignment, which is responsible for the formation of melanin, so these are all melanin inhibitors so kojic acid it's been known as an alternative to hydroquinone, I feel like this is one of the more effective ingredients and noticeably brightening the skin and fading marks this is the main ingredient in a lot of dark spot correcting products like the derma co which is their pigment fading line as well as skin suitable to that pigment corrector, 

So what I love about this ingredient is that kojic acid is produced through the sake brewing process of fermented rival alpha Arbutin is another alternative to hydroquinone this is an ingredient that's used in a lot of Asian whitening products I mentioned in my the derma co review that there are two percent alpha our business solution actually did work for me it definitely took a while of consistent use but around the third month I began to notice there was a breaking up of pigment in this sub in my expected spot.

I used it every day as a spot treatment and I feel that that in conjunction with a good vitamin C serum really made all the difference. I assume I did something that I felt worked really well for my post acne redness but it also does work well as a melanin inhibitor as well, especially when you're talking about concentration about 4% or more but where it really works effectively as saving and minimizing hyperpigmentation is when it's combined with another ingredient called n-acetyl glucosamine this is also melanin inhibitor but it's been found that both these ingredients work better together than as individual components when dealing with hyperpigmentation paula's choice resist if brightening treatment has both these ingredients init and I think it's formulated at 4% niacinamide and 2% n-acetyl glucosamine you'll find this combination found in many whitening of right ingredients as well as like a lot of BB and CC cream is another ingredient that you'll find in so many Asian products it's present almost in every product, and it's somewhere there on the ingredients list this is also melanin inhibitor that's great for brightening up the skin so from least difficult to most difficult to get rid.

Let's talk bout the different forms of Hydra and what are the best ways to treat them all the melanin inhibitors that were mentioned today will help hyperpigmentation no matter what form it comes in post inflammatory hyperpigmentation can be effectively treated with some good acids and a great vitamin C serum you don't actually need retinol to get rid of this.

When you talk about age and some thoughts retinoids can really make a difference here alongside all the other treatments that can help inhibit melanin production, do you remember that even after it successfully phase it can come back if you neglect it mallamma is probably the most resistant form of hyperpigmentation only in that it takes very little for it to just keep coming back in for it to get darker you have to be so conscientious about treating it chemical age treatments are particularly good at treating the last month a good vitamin C retinoid pretty much everything cost support will help treat the last night.

So that's it, guys thank you so much for reading.  I hope you found this helpful, and until next time I wish great skin health.


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